
Neueste Nachrichten zum Thema 'Overturn'. [ Deutschland ]

21.11.2024 12:53

vor 14 Tagen
Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid decisions

Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid decisions

One in five of all state aid decisions by the EU Commission that are challenged in court are overturned by the European Court of Justice. As are 11% of all ant [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid deci [...]
vor 14 Tagen
Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid decisions

Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid decisions

One in five of all state aid decisions by the EU Commission that are challenged in court are overturned by the European Court of Justice. As are 11% of all ant [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid deci [...]
vor 14 Tagen
Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid decisions

Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid decisions

One in five of all state aid decisions by the EU Commission that are challenged in court are overturned by the European Court of Justice. As are 11% of all ant [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Courts overturn one-fifth of all state aid deci [...]