#Daniela Mattheus

Neueste Nachrichten zum Thema 'Daniela Mattheus'. [ Deutschland ]

12.03.2025 12:03

vor 1 Tagen
There is not enough international representation on German supervisory boards beyond the DACH region“

"There is not enough international representation on German supervisory boards beyond the DACH region“

The demands made of supervisory boards have broadened in recent years. Daniela Mattheus, President of the Financial Experts Association, discusses whether chan [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: "There is not enough international representati [...]
vor 1 Tagen
There is not enough international representation on German supervisory boards beyond the DACH region“

"There is not enough international representation on German supervisory boards beyond the DACH region“

The demands made of supervisory boards have broadened in recent years. Daniela Mattheus, President of the Financial Experts Association, discusses whether chan [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: "There is not enough international representati [...]
vor 1 Tagen
There is not enough international representation on German supervisory boards beyond the DACH region“

"There is not enough international representation on German supervisory boards beyond the DACH region“

The demands made of supervisory boards have broadened in recent years. Daniela Mattheus, President of the Financial Experts Association, discusses whether chan [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: "There is not enough international representati [...]