#Stakeholder gave The green for the implementation of a New Bank Management IT

Neueste Nachrichten zum Thema 'Stakeholder gave The green for the implementation of a New Bank Management IT'. [ Deutschland ]

26.03.2025 02:40

vor 4 Tagen
Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise

Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise

In September 2023, after months of discussions, Nord/LB's stakeholders gave the green light for the implementation of a new bank management IT system. The mult [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise
vor 4 Tagen
Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise

Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise

In September 2023, after months of discussions, Nord/LB's stakeholders gave the green light for the implementation of a new bank management IT system. The mult [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise
vor 4 Tagen
Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise

Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise

In September 2023, after months of discussions, Nord/LB's stakeholders gave the green light for the implementation of a new bank management IT system. The mult [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Nord/LB boosts in-house IT expertise