#Rome Italian jo

Ultime notizie su "Rome Italian jo". [ Italia ]

07/01/2025 02:09

3 giorni fa

Italy's ambassador meeting Iranian authorities on Sala

Italy's ambassador to Tehran is meeting officials at the Iranian foreign ministry on Friday to present Rome's demands for the release of 29-year-old Italian jo [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Italy's ambassador meeting Iranian authorities [...]
Marca temporale:
3 giorni fa

Italy's ambassador meeting Iranian authorities on Sala

Italy's ambassador to Tehran is meeting officials at the Iranian foreign ministry on Friday to present Rome's demands for the release of 29-year-old Italian jo [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Italy's ambassador meeting Iranian authorities [...]
Marca temporale:
3 giorni fa

Italy's ambassador meeting Iranian authorities on Sala

Italy's ambassador to Tehran is meeting officials at the Iranian foreign ministry on Friday to present Rome's demands for the release of 29-year-old Italian jo [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Italy's ambassador meeting Iranian authorities [...]
Marca temporale: