#Rome Chief Prosecutor Francesco Voi Premier

Ultime notizie su "Rome Chief Prosecutor Francesco Voi Premier". [ Italia ]

30/01/2025 22:09

8 ore fa
Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case

Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case

Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on Thursday blasted Rome Chief Prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi for notifying Premier Giorgia Meloni and other me [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case
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8 ore fa
Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case

Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case

Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on Thursday blasted Rome Chief Prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi for notifying Premier Giorgia Meloni and other me [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case
Marca temporale:
8 ore fa
Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case

Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case

Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on Thursday blasted Rome Chief Prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi for notifying Premier Giorgia Meloni and other me [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Tajani blasts Rome prosecutor over Almasri case
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