#Premier Giorgia Meloni

Ultime notizie su "Premier Giorgia Meloni". [ Italia ]

25/03/2025 23:35

6 ore fa
Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday

Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday

Premier Giorgia Meloni will attend the national congress of centrist opposition party Azione (Action) on Saturday, her office said Tuesday. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday
Marca temporale:
3 giorni fa
No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini

No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini

Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Saturday quashed reports of friction with Premier Giorgia Meloni over contacts with the American admini [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio europeo

Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio europeo

... (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio [...]
Marca temporale:
11 giorni fa
Every support to people hit by bad weather says Meloni

Every support to people hit by bad weather says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Friday the government would provide "every support" to civilian populations hit by extreme bad weather in Tuscany and Emilia Romagn [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Every support to people hit by bad weather says [...]
Marca temporale:
17 giorni fa
Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni: “La Premier è al servizio di Musk o del paese?”

Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni: “La Premier è al servizio di Musk o del paese?”

La leader dem denuncia un cambio di rotta da parte di Fratelli d’Italia dopo l'intervento diretto di Stroppa, che avrebbe minacciato di chiudere i rapporti con [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni [...]
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failures-Schlein

Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failures-Schlein

Premier Giorgia Meloni shouldn't attack high court judges who have ordered the government to pay compensation to migrants stopped from landing from the Diciott [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failure [...]
Marca temporale:
19 giorni fa
Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit

Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Thursday arrived at the extraordinary EU summit in Brussels on Ukraine and Europe's defence. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa
giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che la meloni e’ goffa e malvestita –aspesi replica

giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che la meloni e’ goffa e malvestita –aspesi replica

Da “il Venerdì - la Repubblica” Giorgia Meloni - foto lapresse   ANCORA SULLA PREMIER GOFFA E MALVESTITA Mi vuole spiegare perché abbiamo una presidente d[...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che [...]
Marca temporale:
1 giorni fa
BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi

BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi

Banco BPM CEO Giuseppe Castagna was received Monday afternoon at Palazzo Chigi, Premier Giorgia Meloni's office said amid an ongoing takeover bid for Italy's f [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi
Marca temporale:
6 giorni fa
EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage says Meloni

EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Wednesday told a Lower House debate ahead of this week's European Council that the proposal on migrant repatriations presented by Eur [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage [...]
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses says Meloni

With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses says Meloni

Everyone loses with retaliations on tariffs that escalate into trade wars, Premier Giorgia Meloni told the Senate in a briefing ahead of this week's European C [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses say [...]
Marca temporale:
12 giorni fa
Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation

Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation

Premier Giorgia Meloni has been constantly monitoring the development of the situation following the strong earthquake that struck the Campi Flegrei area overn [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation
Marca temporale:
17 giorni fa
Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: Donne non devono scegliere tra carriera e vita privata

Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: "Donne non devono scegliere tra carriera e vita privata"

L'8 marzo, in occasione della Giornata della Donna, la Premier Giorgia Meloni ha pubblicato un messaggio sui suoi canali social ufficiali. Le sue parole.

Leggi l'articolo completo: Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: "Don [...]
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti migrants

Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti migrants

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Friday said the supreme Cassation Court's ruling in favour of an appeal filed by a group of migrants who were not allowed to disembar [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti m [...]
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa
Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear power

Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear power

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Friday that her cabinet has given the green light to a bill paving the way for Italy's return to nuclear power. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear [...]
Marca temporale:
26 giorni fa
Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after Meloni meeting

Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after Meloni meeting

Meta Chief Global Affairs Officer Joel Kaplan hailed Italy's innovation potential after meeting Premier Giorgia Meloni in Rome on Thursday. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after M [...]
Marca temporale:
2 giorni fa
Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican

Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Sunday she was happy Pope Francis was returning to the Vatican after over a month in a Rome hospital battling pneumonia. "Happy to [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says Meloni

Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says Meloni

A supplementary budget is not on the government's radar, Premier Giorgia Meloni told the Senate Tuesday. A correction to public accounts is not needed, she sai [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says M [...]
Marca temporale:
10 giorni fa

No Italian troops in potential Kyiv missions says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Saturday stressed that no Italian troops would be deployed in a potential peacekeeping operation in Ukraine during a virtual meeting [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: No Italian troops in potential Kyiv missions sa [...]
Marca temporale:
15 giorni fa
Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival

Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival

A mannequin of Premier Giorgia Meloni doing a Fascist salute was burned at the end of an anti-fascist' carnival at a town near Rieti north of Rome, spurring bi [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte

Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte

Premier Giorgia Meloni is using "in a miserable way" the case of the Diciotti coastguard ship where the supreme Court of Cassation ordered the government to pa [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte
Marca temporale:
19 giorni fa
la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbarazza giorgia meloni – ora che perfino la valchiria ...

la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbarazza giorgia meloni – ora che perfino la valchiria ...


Leggi l'articolo completo: la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbaraz [...]
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa

Meloni presents 3-bn-euro package for energy bills

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Friday announced that her cabinet has approved a decree with a package worth three billion euros to help households and firms cope wi [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni presents 3-bn-euro package for energy bi [...]
Marca temporale:
6 ore fa
Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday

Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday

Premier Giorgia Meloni will attend the national congress of centrist opposition party Azione (Action) on Saturday, her office said Tuesday. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday
Marca temporale:
2 giorni fa
Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican

Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Sunday she was happy Pope Francis was returning to the Vatican after over a month in a Rome hospital battling pneumonia. "Happy to [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican
Marca temporale:
6 giorni fa
EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage says Meloni

EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Wednesday told a Lower House debate ahead of this week's European Council that the proposal on migrant repatriations presented by Eur [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage [...]
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio europeo

Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio europeo

... (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio [...]
Marca temporale:
10 giorni fa

No Italian troops in potential Kyiv missions says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Saturday stressed that no Italian troops would be deployed in a potential peacekeeping operation in Ukraine during a virtual meeting [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: No Italian troops in potential Kyiv missions sa [...]
Marca temporale:
12 giorni fa
Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation

Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation

Premier Giorgia Meloni has been constantly monitoring the development of the situation following the strong earthquake that struck the Campi Flegrei area overn [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation
Marca temporale:
17 giorni fa
Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni: “La Premier è al servizio di Musk o del paese?”

Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni: “La Premier è al servizio di Musk o del paese?”

La leader dem denuncia un cambio di rotta da parte di Fratelli d’Italia dopo l'intervento diretto di Stroppa, che avrebbe minacciato di chiudere i rapporti con [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni [...]
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte

Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte

Premier Giorgia Meloni is using "in a miserable way" the case of the Diciotti coastguard ship where the supreme Court of Cassation ordered the government to pa [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti migrants

Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti migrants

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Friday said the supreme Cassation Court's ruling in favour of an appeal filed by a group of migrants who were not allowed to disembar [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti m [...]
Marca temporale:
19 giorni fa
Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit

Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Thursday arrived at the extraordinary EU summit in Brussels on Ukraine and Europe's defence. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa

Meloni presents 3-bn-euro package for energy bills

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Friday announced that her cabinet has approved a decree with a package worth three billion euros to help households and firms cope wi [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni presents 3-bn-euro package for energy bi [...]
Marca temporale:
26 giorni fa
Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after Meloni meeting

Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after Meloni meeting

Meta Chief Global Affairs Officer Joel Kaplan hailed Italy's innovation potential after meeting Premier Giorgia Meloni in Rome on Thursday. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after M [...]
Marca temporale:
1 giorni fa
BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi

BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi

Banco BPM CEO Giuseppe Castagna was received Monday afternoon at Palazzo Chigi, Premier Giorgia Meloni's office said amid an ongoing takeover bid for Italy's f [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi
Marca temporale:
3 giorni fa
No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini

No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini

Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Saturday quashed reports of friction with Premier Giorgia Meloni over contacts with the American admini [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says Meloni

Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says Meloni

A supplementary budget is not on the government's radar, Premier Giorgia Meloni told the Senate Tuesday. A correction to public accounts is not needed, she sai [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says M [...]
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses says Meloni

With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses says Meloni

Everyone loses with retaliations on tariffs that escalate into trade wars, Premier Giorgia Meloni told the Senate in a briefing ahead of this week's European C [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses say [...]
Marca temporale:
11 giorni fa
Every support to people hit by bad weather says Meloni

Every support to people hit by bad weather says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Friday the government would provide "every support" to civilian populations hit by extreme bad weather in Tuscany and Emilia Romagn [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Every support to people hit by bad weather says [...]
Marca temporale:
15 giorni fa
Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival

Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival

A mannequin of Premier Giorgia Meloni doing a Fascist salute was burned at the end of an anti-fascist' carnival at a town near Rieti north of Rome, spurring bi [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival
Marca temporale:
17 giorni fa
Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: Donne non devono scegliere tra carriera e vita privata

Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: "Donne non devono scegliere tra carriera e vita privata"

L'8 marzo, in occasione della Giornata della Donna, la Premier Giorgia Meloni ha pubblicato un messaggio sui suoi canali social ufficiali. Le sue parole.

Leggi l'articolo completo: Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: "Don [...]
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failures-Schlein

Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failures-Schlein

Premier Giorgia Meloni shouldn't attack high court judges who have ordered the government to pay compensation to migrants stopped from landing from the Diciott [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failure [...]
Marca temporale:
19 giorni fa
la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbarazza giorgia meloni – ora che perfino la valchiria ...

la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbarazza giorgia meloni – ora che perfino la valchiria ...


Leggi l'articolo completo: la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbaraz [...]
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa
Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear power

Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear power

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Friday that her cabinet has given the green light to a bill paving the way for Italy's return to nuclear power. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear [...]
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa
giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che la meloni e’ goffa e malvestita –aspesi replica

giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che la meloni e’ goffa e malvestita –aspesi replica

Da “il Venerdì - la Repubblica” Giorgia Meloni - foto lapresse   ANCORA SULLA PREMIER GOFFA E MALVESTITA Mi vuole spiegare perché abbiamo una presidente d[...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che [...]
Marca temporale:
6 ore fa
Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday

Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday

Premier Giorgia Meloni will attend the national congress of centrist opposition party Azione (Action) on Saturday, her office said Tuesday. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni to attend Azione congress Saturday
Marca temporale:
1 giorni fa
BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi

BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi

Banco BPM CEO Giuseppe Castagna was received Monday afternoon at Palazzo Chigi, Premier Giorgia Meloni's office said amid an ongoing takeover bid for Italy's f [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: BPM CEO Castagna received at Palazzo Chigi
Marca temporale:
2 giorni fa
Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican

Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Sunday she was happy Pope Francis was returning to the Vatican after over a month in a Rome hospital battling pneumonia. "Happy to [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni says happy pope returning to Vatican
Marca temporale:
3 giorni fa
No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini

No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini

Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Saturday quashed reports of friction with Premier Giorgia Meloni over contacts with the American admini [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: No friction with Meloni on US ties says Salvini
Marca temporale:
6 giorni fa
EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage says Meloni

EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Wednesday told a Lower House debate ahead of this week's European Council that the proposal on migrant repatriations presented by Eur [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: EU plan on repatriations thanks to our courage [...]
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says Meloni

Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says Meloni

A supplementary budget is not on the government's radar, Premier Giorgia Meloni told the Senate Tuesday. A correction to public accounts is not needed, she sai [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Supplementary budget not on govt's radar says M [...]
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio europeo

Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio europeo

... (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Premier Giorgia Meloni riferisce sul Consiglio [...]
Marca temporale:
7 giorni fa
With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses says Meloni

With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses says Meloni

Everyone loses with retaliations on tariffs that escalate into trade wars, Premier Giorgia Meloni told the Senate in a briefing ahead of this week's European C [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: With retaliations on tariffs everyone loses say [...]
Marca temporale:
10 giorni fa

No Italian troops in potential Kyiv missions says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Saturday stressed that no Italian troops would be deployed in a potential peacekeeping operation in Ukraine during a virtual meeting [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: No Italian troops in potential Kyiv missions sa [...]
Marca temporale:
11 giorni fa
Every support to people hit by bad weather says Meloni

Every support to people hit by bad weather says Meloni

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Friday the government would provide "every support" to civilian populations hit by extreme bad weather in Tuscany and Emilia Romagn [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Every support to people hit by bad weather says [...]
Marca temporale:
12 giorni fa
Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation

Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation

Premier Giorgia Meloni has been constantly monitoring the development of the situation following the strong earthquake that struck the Campi Flegrei area overn [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni monitoring Campi Flegrei situation
Marca temporale:
15 giorni fa
Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival

Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival

A mannequin of Premier Giorgia Meloni doing a Fascist salute was burned at the end of an anti-fascist' carnival at a town near Rieti north of Rome, spurring bi [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni mannequin burned at antifascist carnival
Marca temporale:
17 giorni fa
Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni: “La Premier è al servizio di Musk o del paese?”

Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni: “La Premier è al servizio di Musk o del paese?”

La leader dem denuncia un cambio di rotta da parte di Fratelli d’Italia dopo l'intervento diretto di Stroppa, che avrebbe minacciato di chiudere i rapporti con [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Ddl Spazio, Elly Schlein attacca Giorgia Meloni [...]
Marca temporale:
17 giorni fa
Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: Donne non devono scegliere tra carriera e vita privata

Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: "Donne non devono scegliere tra carriera e vita privata"

L'8 marzo, in occasione della Giornata della Donna, la Premier Giorgia Meloni ha pubblicato un messaggio sui suoi canali social ufficiali. Le sue parole.

Leggi l'articolo completo: Le parole di Giorgia Meloni per l'8 marzo: "Don [...]
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte

Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte

Premier Giorgia Meloni is using "in a miserable way" the case of the Diciotti coastguard ship where the supreme Court of Cassation ordered the government to pa [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni using Diciotti case miserably says Conte
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failures-Schlein

Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failures-Schlein

Premier Giorgia Meloni shouldn't attack high court judges who have ordered the government to pay compensation to migrants stopped from landing from the Diciott [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni shdn't attack judges to cover up failure [...]
Marca temporale:
18 giorni fa
Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti migrants

Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti migrants

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Friday said the supreme Cassation Court's ruling in favour of an appeal filed by a group of migrants who were not allowed to disembar [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni questions Cassation ruling on Diciotti m [...]
Marca temporale:
19 giorni fa
la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbarazza giorgia meloni – ora che perfino la valchiria ...

la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbarazza giorgia meloni – ora che perfino la valchiria ...


Leggi l'articolo completo: la svolta “europeista” di marine le pen imbaraz [...]
Marca temporale:
19 giorni fa
Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit

Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Thursday arrived at the extraordinary EU summit in Brussels on Ukraine and Europe's defence. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni arrives at extraordinary EU summit
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa
Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear power

Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear power

Premier Giorgia Meloni said Friday that her cabinet has given the green light to a bill paving the way for Italy's return to nuclear power. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni govt approves bill for return to nuclear [...]
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa

Meloni presents 3-bn-euro package for energy bills

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Friday announced that her cabinet has approved a decree with a package worth three billion euros to help households and firms cope wi [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Meloni presents 3-bn-euro package for energy bi [...]
Marca temporale:
25 giorni fa
giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che la meloni e’ goffa e malvestita –aspesi replica

giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che la meloni e’ goffa e malvestita –aspesi replica

Da “il Venerdì - la Repubblica” Giorgia Meloni - foto lapresse   ANCORA SULLA PREMIER GOFFA E MALVESTITA Mi vuole spiegare perché abbiamo una presidente d[...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: giorgia, ma come te vesti?una lettrice dice che [...]
Marca temporale:
26 giorni fa
Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after Meloni meeting

Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after Meloni meeting

Meta Chief Global Affairs Officer Joel Kaplan hailed Italy's innovation potential after meeting Premier Giorgia Meloni in Rome on Thursday. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Italy can be EU innovation voice-Kaplan after M [...]
Marca temporale: