#Navy Biot gets yrs secrets Russia

Ultime notizie su "Navy Biot gets yrs secrets Russia". [ Italia ]

21/11/2024 16:54

23 ore fa

Navy officer Biot gets 29 yrs for passing secrets to Russia

Italian navy officer Walter Biot got a definitive sentence of 29 years for passing military secrets to the Russians on Wednesday. (ANSA)

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23 ore fa

Navy officer Biot gets 29 yrs for passing secrets to Russia

Italian navy officer Walter Biot got a definitive sentence of 29 years for passing military secrets to the Russians on Wednesday. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Navy officer Biot gets 29 yrs for passing secre [...]
Marca temporale:
23 ore fa

Navy officer Biot gets 29 yrs for passing secrets to Russia

Italian navy officer Walter Biot got a definitive sentence of 29 years for passing military secrets to the Russians on Wednesday. (ANSA)

Leggi l'articolo completo: Navy officer Biot gets 29 yrs for passing secre [...]
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