#Italy criminal lawyers association told ANSA Tuesday that New red At

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07/01/2025 02:12

6 giorni fa
Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawyers

Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawyers

The head of Italy's criminal lawyers association told ANSA Tuesday that the governments new red zones at crowded nightlife central areas in major cities over t [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawye [...]
Marca temporale:
6 giorni fa
Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawyers

Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawyers

The head of Italy's criminal lawyers association told ANSA Tuesday that the governments new red zones at crowded nightlife central areas in major cities over t [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawye [...]
Marca temporale:
6 giorni fa
Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawyers

Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawyers

The head of Italy's criminal lawyers association told ANSA Tuesday that the governments new red zones at crowded nightlife central areas in major cities over t [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Red zones threaten personal liberties say lawye [...]
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