#Deputy Premier Transport Minister Matteo Salvini Monday Rome

Ultime notizie su "Deputy Premier Transport Minister Matteo Salvini Monday Rome". [ Italia ]

21/11/2024 15:09

9 giorni fa
Another political sentence against Italians says Salvini

Another political sentence against Italians says Salvini

Rightwing League party leader, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Monday called a Rome tribunal's referral to the European Court of Justic [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Another political sentence against Italians say [...]
Marca temporale:
9 giorni fa
Another political sentence against Italians says Salvini

Another political sentence against Italians says Salvini

Rightwing League party leader, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Monday called a Rome tribunal's referral to the European Court of Justic [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Another political sentence against Italians say [...]
Marca temporale:
9 giorni fa
Another political sentence against Italians says Salvini

Another political sentence against Italians says Salvini

Rightwing League party leader, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Monday called a Rome tribunal's referral to the European Court of Justic [...]

Leggi l'articolo completo: Another political sentence against Italians say [...]
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