#Coalition with the ÖVP

Neueste Nachrichten zum Thema 'Coalition with the ÖVP'. [ Österreich ]

01.02.2025 15:55

vor 22 Tagen
Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far-right's most controversial plans?

Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far-right's most controversial plans?

Austria’s far-right FPÖ has outlined plans to change everything from asylum laws to workers' rights. As coalition talks with the ÖVP move forward, we look in m [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far [...]
vor 22 Tagen
Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far-right's most controversial plans?

Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far-right's most controversial plans?

Austria’s far-right FPÖ has outlined plans to change everything from asylum laws to workers' rights. As coalition talks with the ÖVP move forward, we look in m [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far [...]
vor 22 Tagen
Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far-right's most controversial plans?

Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far-right's most controversial plans?

Austria’s far-right FPÖ has outlined plans to change everything from asylum laws to workers' rights. As coalition talks with the ÖVP move forward, we look in m [...]

Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Revoking Austrian citizenship: What are the far [...]